心煩 restlessness
燥 dryness
熱 heat
燥熱 dryness-heat
心煩舌燥 restlessness and dry tongue
干咳 dry cough
痰 phlegm
干咳少痰 dry cough and small amount of phlegm
火 fire
痰火擾心 Phlegm-fire disturbing heart
虛 deficiency
陰虛 YIN deficiency
陰虛肺燥 YIN deficiency and lung dryness
陰陽失調 YIN-YANG disharmony
利水 promoting diuresis
利水滲濕 promoting diuresis and removing dampness
利水消腫 promoting diuresis and alleviating edema
利水消痰 promoting diuresis and alleviating phlegm
養 nourishing
養血安神 nourishing blood and tranquillizing the mind
活血 activating blood
養血活血 nourishing blood and activating blood
止咳化痰 relieving cough and reducing sputum
止咳平喘 relieving cough and asthma
潤 moistening
潤燥 moistening dryness
補 reinforcing
補脾益肺 Reinforcing the spleen and nourishing the lung
補氣 Reinforcing QI
手足心熱 feverish palms and soles
清熱 clearing heat(removing heat)
清熱解毒 heat-clearing and detoxicating
舒筋活絡 relaxing and activating the tendons
虛勞久咳 asthenia and chronic cough
去風濕(祛風濕) dispelling rheumatism
寒 cold
濕 dampness
風 wind
風邪 pathogenic wind
肝 liver
火 fire
肝火 liver- fire
喘 asthma
里 interior
里熱 interior heat
理 regulating
理氣 regulating qi
津 body fluid
生津 body fluid regenerating
實 sthenic
實熱 sthenic heat
汗 sweat
盜汗 night sweating
淋 stranguria
痹 arthralgia
痹癥 arthromyodynia
去腐生肌 removing necrotic tissue and promoting granulation
疏風 expelling wind
消腫 relieving swelling
跌打損傷 traumatic injury
喉蛾 tonsillitis
腎精不足 kidney essence deficiency
補元氣 invigorating premordial energy
瘀 blood stasis
瘀阻腫脹 swelling due to blood stasis
肺癰(肺膿腫) pulmonary abscess
胸滿 fullness in the chest
胸滿肋痛 fullness in the chest and costalgia
侵、犯 attacking
肝火犯肺 liver-fire attacking lung
上一條:世界醫藥日,醫藥翻譯的準則有哪些 | 下一條:廣東醫藥日語翻譯 |