she's vomiting and exhibits abdominal pain 腹痛,she has met all developmental milestones and it's up to date on vaccines .
and is allergic 過敏的 to penicillin 青霉素 with hives 蕁麻疹 of reaction.
her height and weight are in the 50th percentile ,she is afebrile 無發燒的 and tachycardic 心動過速 with a heart rate of 120.
her blood pressure is 94 over 50, well mucosa is moist ,our lungs are bilaterally clear to auscultation 聽診.
so that's everything sounds good ,regular heart rhythm ,no murmurs 雜音,no gallops.
abdomen is soft ,non-tender and flat ,her bowel sounds are normal in all four quadrants, no rebound or guarding
her liver and spleen are not enlarged,her basal metabolic panel came back within normal limits.
and since the patient is afebrile which is no fever,and there's no signs on her abdominal exam.
most likely a viral etiology,so our plan right now is to continue IV fluids.
and monitor the patient until they normalize and then release ,Thank You ,Mitchell.
比藍翻譯公司的核心競爭力是翻譯人才的競爭。公司所有譯員均為大學本科以上學歷,80%為碩士研究生或博士研究生,大部分譯員均具有全國翻譯專業資格(水平)考試二級以上證書,具備5 年以上不同專業背景的翻譯工作經驗,筆譯工作量超過500 萬字以上,口譯工作量達每年 50 至 100 場大中型會議。翻譯審校團隊由從業10 年以上的zi深譯員和外籍專家組成。
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