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Law of the People's Republic of Chinaon Traditional Chinese Medicine


Order of the President of the People's Republic of China




          The Law of the People's Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine,as adoptedat the 25th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December25,2016,is here by issued and shall come into force on July1,2017.


  President of the People's Republic of China:XiJinping




Law of the People's Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine


  (Adopted at the 25th Session of the Standing Committee of theTwelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December25,2016)


Table of Content


  ChapterI  General Provisions

  第一章  總則

  ChapterII  Traditional Chinese Medicine Services

  第二章  中醫藥服務

  ChapterIII  Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection and Development

  第三章  中藥保護與發展

  ChapterIV  Cultivation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Talents

  第四章  中醫藥人才培養


       ChapterV Traditional Chinese Medicine Scientific Research

  第五章  中醫藥科學研究

  ChapterVI  Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritanceand Cultural Transmission

  第六章  中醫藥傳承與文化傳播

  ChapterVII  Guarantee Measures

  第七章  保障措施

  ChapterVIII  Legal Liability

  第八章  法律責任

  ChapterIX  Supplementary Provisions

  第九章  附則

Chapter I General Provisions    

第一章 總 則


Article 1 This Law is developed for purposes of inheriting and carrying forward traditional Chinese medicine, guaranteeing and promoting the development of the traditional Chinese medicine undertaking, and protecting the health of the people.    

  第一條 為了繼承和弘揚中醫藥,保障和促進中醫藥事業發展,保護人民健康,制定本法。    

Article 2 For the purpose of this Law, “traditional Chinese medicine” (TCM) is the general term of medicine of all Chinese ethnic groups including the Han ethnic group and minority ethnic groups, reflects the understanding of the Chinese nation on life, health and diseases, and is a medicine and pharmacology system with long historical traditions and unique theories and technical methods.    

  第二條 本法所稱中醫藥,是包括漢族和少數民族醫藥在內的我國各民族醫藥的統稱,是反映中華民族對生命、健康和疾病的認識,具有悠久歷史傳統和獨特理論及技術方法的醫藥學體系。    

Article 3 The TCM undertaking is an important part of the medicine and health undertaking of the state. The state shall vigorously develop the TCM undertaking, carry out the principle of giving equal emphasis to TCM and western medicine, establish the management rules in compliance with TCM features, and maximize the role of TCM in the medicine and health undertaking of the state.    

  第三條 中醫藥事業是我國醫藥衛生事業的重要組成部分。國家大力發展中醫藥事業,實行中西醫并重的方針,建立符合中醫藥特點的管理制度,充分發揮中醫藥在我國醫藥衛生事業中的作用。  


In the development of the TCM undertaking, the TCM development rule shall be observed, the integration of inheritance and innovation shall be adhered to, TCM features and advantages shall be maintained and maximized, and modern scientific technologies shall be utilized, so as to promote the development of TCM theories and practice.    



The state shall encourage the mutual learning from each other between, mutual supplementation, and coordinated development of TCM and western medicine, maximize their advantages, and promote the integration of TCM and western medicine.    


Article 4 The people's government at or above the county level shall include TCM undertaking in the national economic and social development plan, establish and improve the TCM management system, and make overall planning on and promote the development of the TCM undertaking.    

  第四條 縣級以上人民政府應當將中醫藥事業納入國民經濟和社會發展規劃,建立健全中醫藥管理體系,統籌推進中醫藥事業發展。    

Article 5 The competent TCM department of the State Council shall take charge of TCM administration nationwide. Other relevant departments of the State Council shall take charge of TCM administration within the scope of their respective functions.    

  第五條 國務院中醫藥主管部門負責全國的中醫藥管理工作。國務院其他有關部門在各自職責范圍內負責與中醫藥管理有關的工作。  


The competent TCM department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall take charge of TCM administration within its administrative region. Other relevant departments of the local people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for the work relating to TCM administration within the scope of their respective functions.    


Article 6 The state shall strengthen the building of a TCM service system, make rational planning on and allocate TCM service resources, and provide guarantee for citizens' obtainment of TCM services.    

  第六條 國家加強中醫藥服務體系建設,合理規劃和配置中醫藥服務資源,為公民獲得中醫藥服務提供保障。  


The state encourages social forces to invest in the TCM undertaking and gives supports to them, and encourages organizations and individuals to make donation for and support the TCM undertaking and gives supports to them.    


Article 7 The state shall develop TCM education, establish a TCM education system which satisfies the requirements for the development of the TCM undertaking and has a proper scale, rational structure, and diversified forms to cultivate TCM talents.    

  第七條 國家發展中醫藥教育,建立適應中醫藥事業發展需要、規模適宜、結構合理、形式多樣的中醫藥教育體系,培養中醫藥人才。    

Article 8 The state supports TCM scientific research and technical development, encourages innovation in TCM science and technologies, shall popularize and apply TCM scientific and technological achievements, protect TCM intellectual property rights, and enhance TCM scientific and technical level.    

  第八條 國家支持中醫藥科學研究和技術開發,鼓勵中醫藥科學技術創新,推廣應用中醫藥科學技術成果,保護中醫藥知識產權,提高中醫藥科學技術水平。    

Article 9 The state shall support TCM foreign exchange and cooperation, and promote international transmission and application of TCM.    

  第九條 國家支持中醫藥對外交流與合作,促進中醫藥的國際傳播和應用。    

Article 10 The organizations and individuals that have made prominent contributions to the TCM undertaking shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.    

  第十條 對在中醫藥事業中做出突出貢獻的組織和個人,按照國家有關規定給予表彰、獎勵。    

Chapter II TCM Services    

第二章 中醫藥服務


Article 11 The people's government at or above the county level shall include the construction of TCM medical institutions in the plan on the setup of medical institutions, launch TCM medical institutions with proper scale, and support the development of medical institutions with TCM features and advantages.    

  第十一條 縣級以上人民政府應當將中醫醫療機構建設納入醫療機構設置規劃,舉辦規模適宜的中醫醫療機構,扶持有中醫藥特色和優勢的醫療機構發展。


To merge or cancel a TCM medical institution launched by the government or change the nature as a TCM medical institution, the opinion of the competent TCM department of the people's government at the next higher level shall be solicited.    


Article 12 Comprehensive hospitals and maternity and child care institutions launched by governments as well as qualified specialized hospitals, community health service centers and township health centers shall set TCM departments and clinics.    

  第十二條 政府舉辦的綜合醫院、婦幼保健機構和有條件的專科醫院、社區衛生服務中心、鄉鎮衛生院,應當設置中醫藥科室。 


Local people's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to enhance the capability of community health service stations and village clinics in the provision of TCM services.    


Article 13 The state supports social forces in their launching TCM medical institutions.    

  第十三條 國家支持社會力量舉辦中醫醫療機構。 


TCM medical institutions launched by social forces shall enjoy equal rights in such aspects as access, practice, basic medical insurance, scientific research and teaching, and the assessment of title of medical personnel with TCM medical institutions launched by governments.    


Article 14 To launch a TCM medical institution, approval formalities shall be undergone according to the provisions of the state on the administration of medical institutions, and the provisions on the administration of medical institutions shall be observed.    

  第十四條 舉辦中醫醫療機構應當按照國家有關醫療機構管理的規定辦理審批手續,并遵守醫療機構管理的有關規定。    

A TCM clinic launched may conduct practice activities after the name, address, treatment scope and staffing of the clinic, and other information are reported to the competent TCM department of the local county people's government for recordation. The TCM clinic shall publicize the clinic's treatment scope, the name and practice scope of the TCM physicians in a conspicuous position of the clinic, and shall not conduct medical activities beyond the scope granted recordation. The specific measures shall be drafted by the competent TCM department of the State Council, and be reported to the health administrative department of the State Council for examination and issuance.    


Article 15 A person who conducts TCM medical activities shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Practicing Physicians, obtain the qualification as a TCM physician through the TCM physician qualification test, and conduct practice registration. The content of the TCM physician qualification test shall reflect TCM features.    

  第十五條 從事中醫醫療活動的人員應當依照《中華人民共和國執業醫師法》的規定,通過中醫醫師資格考試取得中醫醫師資格,并進行執業注冊。中醫醫師資格考試的內容應當體現中醫藥特點。    

A person who learns TCM through a teacher or indeed has specialty in medical skills through many years of practice shall be recommended by at least two TCM physicians, and may be qualified as a TCM physician after passing the examination of practice skills and effects organized by the competent TCM department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, and after he or she conducts practice registration according to the examination content, he or she may conduct TCM medical activities in the form of conducting individual business operation or working in medical institutions within the registered scope of practice. The competent TCM department of the State Council shall draft the measures for the categorized examination of personnel prescribed in this paragraph according to the safety risks of TCM technical methods, and report the measures to the health administrative department of the State Council for examination and issuance.    


Article 16 A TCM medical institution shall mainly assign professional TCM personnel as medical personnel to mainly provide TCM services. TCM physicians who have obtained the physician qualification upon examination may, according to the relevant provisions of the state, adopt modern scientific and technical methods relating to their specialties in practice activities after receiving training and passing the examination. The modern scientific and technical methods adopted in medical activities shall be conductive to maintaining and enhancing TCM features and advantages.    

  第十六條 中醫醫療機構配備醫務人員應當以中醫藥專業技術人員為主,主要提供中醫藥服務;經考試取得醫師資格的中醫醫師按照國家有關規定,經培訓、考核合格后,可以在執業活動中采用與其專業相關的現代科學技術方法。在醫療活動中采用現代科學技術方法的,應當有利于保持和發揮中醫藥特色和優勢。 


Community health service centers, township health centers, community health service stations and qualified village clinics shall rationally assign professional TCM technicians, and utilize and popularize appropriate TCM technical methods.  社區衛生服務中心、鄉鎮衛生院、社區衛生服務站以及有條件的村衛生室應當合理配備中醫藥專業技術人員,并運用和推廣適宜的中醫藥技術方法。    

Article 17 TCM services shall be provided by taking TCM theories as the guidance, apply TCM technical methods, and comply with the basic requirements for TCM services determined by the competent TCM department of the State Council.    

  第十七條 開展中醫藥服務,應當以中醫藥理論為指導,運用中醫藥技術方法,并符合國務院中醫藥主管部門制定的中醫藥服務基本要求。    

Article 18 The people's government at or above the county level shall develop TCM prevention and health care services, and include them in basic public health service items for overall planning and implementation according to the relevant provisions of the state.    

  第十八條 縣級以上人民政府應當發展中醫藥預防、保健服務,并按照國家有關規定將其納入基本公共衛生服務項目統籌實施。    

The people's government at or above the county level shall bring into play the role of TCM in emergency response to public health incidents, and strengthen the reserves of TCM emergency response materials, equipment, facilities, technologies and talents.    



Medical and health institutions shall actively utilize TCM theories and technical methods in disease prevention and control.    


Article 19 A medical institution that plans to release a TCM medical advertisement shall be subject to the examination and approval of the competent TCM department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government; and shall not issue the advertisement without examination and approval. The content of the issued TCM medical advertisement shall be consistent with the content approved upon examination, and comply with the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China.    

  第十九條 醫療機構發布中醫醫療廣告,應當經所在地省、自治區、直轄市人民政府中醫藥主管部門審查批準;未經審查批準,不得發布。發布的中醫醫療廣告內容應當與經審查批準的內容相符合,并符合《中華人民共和國廣告法》的有關規定。   

Article 20 The competent TCM department of the people's government at or above the county level shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of TCM services, and take the following matters as the focus of supervision and inspection:    

  第二十條 縣級以上人民政府中醫藥主管部門應當加強對中醫藥服務的監督檢查,并將下列事項作為監督檢查的重點:    

(1) Whether the TCM medical institution or TCM physician conducts medical activities beyond the prescribed scope.    


(2) Whether the provision of TCM services complies with the basic requirements for TCM services determined by the competent TCM department of the State Council.    


(3) Whether the release of TCM medical advertisements complies with the provisions of this Law.    


The competent TCM department shall conduct supervision and inspection in accordance with the law, and relevant institutions and individuals shall cooperate and shall not refuse to accept or obstruct the supervision and inspection.    





上一條:法語翻譯:端午節用法語怎么說?Le festival des Bateaux-Dragons下一條:2020年4月4日,全國哀悼(中英翻譯)

